100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We pride ourselves on exceptional care and service. To make sure you are always happy we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If you are not satisfied with any part of your treatment, simply let us know why and we will give you a free treatment or your money back!

Premier Osteopaths is a premier company, from the minute you walk in you feel welcome... Friendly clinic, would recommend anyone to come here and give it a go if they need a great Osteopath!
— Steve Mills Google Review

Premier Osteopath Prices

ACC Osteopathy Treatment

  • Follow Up 30-45 minutes: $65

  • New Patients 60 minutes: $95

Private Osteopathy Treatment

  • Follow Up 30-45 minutes: $95

  • New Patient 60 minutes: $135

Premier Paediatric Osteopath Prices

Private Osteopathy Treatment

  • Follow Up 30 minutes: $85

  • New Patient 45 minutes: $95

ACC Osteopathy Treatment

  • Follow Up 30 minutes: $60

  • New Patients 45 minutes: $85

​​Premier Functional Medicine Osteopathy Prices With Tonia

​​Tonia is providing in clinic, telehealth and phone consultations for Functional Medicine and Functional Medicine combined Osteopathy patients, she treats people from all over New Zealand.  If you require an appointment please call 09 444 3231 as there is more flexibility with times and you can often getting an appointment sooner.

Private Functional Medicine Osteopathy with Tonia

  • Short Follow Up 15 minutes: $55

  • Follow Up 30 minutes: $110

  • Extended Follow Up 45 minutes: $165

  • New Patient 60 minutes: $220

ACC Osteopathy with Tonia

  • Follow up 30 minutes: $75

  • New Patient 60 minutes: $150

Cancellation Policy

We appreciate as much notice as possible for any cancellations. Please be aware that we require at least 24 hours notice of cancellations. All late cancellations and not turning up to your appointment WILL be charged at the full private rate, as it means that others, who are in acute pain and require urgent care, cannot be seen promptly.

Always get fantastic service and friendly treatment here, plus the pricing is great... Highly recommend.
— Hephaestus Google Review


How Acc Works

At Premier Osteo

09 444 3231

ACC stands for the Accident Compensation Corporation.  They provide a comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand. Therefore, everyone in New Zealand is eligible for comprehensive injury cover:

  • No matter what you’re doing or where you are when you’re injured – driving, playing sport, at home, at work.

  • No matter how the injury happened, even if you did something yourself to contribute to it.

  • No matter what age you are or whether you’re working – you might be retired, a child, on a benefit or studying.

ACC provides many kinds of support to you if you have been injured. For more information please visit www.acc.co.nz

What This Means For You

All of our Osteopaths are ACC registered.  This means that we can register your injury with ACC without the need for you to see your GP.  Simply book an appointment with one of our osteopaths and we will help you to complete the necessary forms when you arrive.  With ACC cover your treatment cost at Premier Osteo & Wellness Clinic will be subsidised see the price list above.

If we need to refer you for further clinical assessment, such as an X-rays, Ultrasounds, or visiting a Specialist.  ACC will usually pay for part or all of this cost, depending on the clinic that you visit.


More Information

New Patients 

We like to see every New Patient for up to 60 minutes.  We do this so that we can understand all of you unique complexities that have developed throughout your life, as these are often heavily influencing what you are presenting with on your first appointment.  The first appointment will consist of:

  • A detailed case, medical and lifestyle history.

  • A thorough examination to determine what is wrong and what structures are damaged.

  • We will discuss with you your diagnosis, prognosis and plan for treatments.  

  • Treatment using Osteopathy and/or Functional Medicine depending on the Practitioner you are seeing.

  • Your Practitioner will give you activities to do at home to help you get better quicker.

Payment Methods

EFTPOS, Credit Card, Direct Transfer, Cash.

What To Bring

If you have been to another healthcare professional and already have an ACC number, any X-rays or other Imaging documents and their reports.  

What To Wear

Please wear loose fitting or stretchy clothing.  Due to the nature of the physical examination and treatment the Practitioner may need to palpate (touch) areas on your body to help in diagnosis and treatment. You may be asked to remove certain items of outer clothing to enable better access to these areas.  We will give you a towel or blanket to cover yourself.


Contact Us Today For Effective Pain Relief